Open Innovation
Discovering is harder than inventing.
A Solid Future Beyond Sustainable Health Care
Discover Our Wisdom
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A Solid Future Beyond
Sustainable Health Care
We believe that as more people live longer and healthier lives in Japan and other countries with accelerating aging populations, there is a solid future for saving healthcare resources. We are promoting technological collaboration to provide sustainable healthcare services supported by technological innovation instead of a future in which healthcare costs will continue to expand as they are today.
Discover Our Wisdom
We have opened an information matching platform to deliver daily digital (DX) and healthcare trends from around the world with overwhelming ease, from which you may discover new wisdom.
Our mission is to speedily deliver the specialized information needed to discover new wisdom.
DigitalMedical Open Innovation
BrainEnergy produce DigitalMedical open innovation from Tokyo, where you can experience
the intersection of cool and passionate design and technology.