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DigitalMedical Open Innovation
BrainEnergy produce DigitalMedical open innovation from Tokyo, where you can experience the intersection of cool and passionate design and technology.
Transform Your Business With Cloud
Looking for the Future of Health Care
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Movano Health and ams OSRAM Collaborate to Deliver Accurate Lifestyle Monitoring Solutions for Women
Movano Health (Nasdaq: MOVE), a pioneer in health technology, and ams OSRAM, a leader in biometric monitoring technology, have collaborated to incorporate ams OSRAM's PPG sensor solution into Movano Health's women-specific smart ring, the Evie Ring, Movano Health's smart ring for women.
Photocontrolled drug delivery system by liposomes
A research team led by Professor Yuki Suto of Okayama University has developed a precise method to release contents from pH sensitive liposomes using light.
Probiotic chips to support healthy intestinal flora
Go Natural's Probiotic High Protein Veggie Chips are a healthy snack that combines the benefits of plant-based protein, fiber, and probiotics.
New home cholesterol testing is being piloted in the northeast of the UK.
As part of the special trial study, thousands of people in the northeast will be able to check their cholesterol levels at home.
Home Rehabilitation with Lightweight Exoskeleton Technology
Hurotics is a company working on exoskeleton-type applications that are lightweight and adapt to the user's form.
Phospholipids reduce stress.
A new study led by Fontella, University of Auckland, and University of Otago revealed that stress is reduced by supplementing the diet with a wide range of phospholipids naturally contained in the milk fat globules (MFGM).
AI tool effectively detects pain from hospital staff conversation.
New research shows that AI tools have been effective in detecting pain from hospital employees' conversations with therapists in the early stages of the pandemic, suggesting the possibility of new technologies for screening depression and anxiety.
Lateral flow test for the detection of bacteria causing gingivitis and cardiovascular diseases.
Gingivitis, the early stage of periodontal disease, is caused by bacteria reaching the bloodstream and may lead to cardiovascular disease and other serious health conditions.
The skin behind the ears and between the toes is a place where unhealthy microbes are gathered.
Microbiome, i.e., the collection of microorganisms that live in and outside the human body, is known to be involved in human health, but the same is true for skin.
Drug delivery that identifies targets by sound
Two research teams at the California Institute of Technology have developed a completely new type of drug delivery system that delivers drugs activated by ultrasound only to the required locations in the body.
The relationship between heart rate and brain activity may open the way to antidepressant drugs.
New research linking heart beat and brain activity shows that the phase of the heart cycle affects neuroresponses, and may open the way to antidepressant drugs, researchers reported in the open access journal "PLoS Biology".
Chronic Pain Care Platform with Digital Therapy
Within a year of absorbing virtual reality-based digital therapy manufacturer OxfordVR, BehaVR is also expanding its business by a new merger.
A new method for measuring the motion of soft robots
Researchers at USC have developed an innovative solution for measuring the movement of software components in robotics.
DxMedical Cloud™
Technology for overwhelmingly high-speed detection from all over the world.
We deliver the latest technologies from academia and startups around the world in real time in an easy-to-understand format using our unique algorithm.
Let's search for the future of healthcare based on carefully selected information.
How We Help You To Empower Your Business
Quickly Deliver Technical Information
We deliver what you seek quickly and in a short time from technical information from all over the world
Briefly to the Point
A wealth of detailed features makes it easy to understand the main points
Help with Growth Strategies
The report is also packed with analytical information from the perspective of growth and long-term strategies for business use
DigitalMedical Open Innovation
BrainEnergy produce DigitalMedical open innovation from Tokyo, where you can experience the intersection of cool and passionate design and technology.
Transform Your Business With Cloud
Looking for the Future
of Health Care
Our technology will help your business
Movano Health and ams OSRAM Collaborate to Deliver Accurate Lifestyle Monitoring Solutions for Women
Movano Health (Nasdaq: MOVE), a pioneer in health technology, and ams OSRAM, a leader in biometric monitoring technology, have collaborated to incorporate ams OSRAM's PPG sensor solution into Movano Health's women-specific smart ring, the Evie Ring, Movano Health's smart ring for women.
PR Newswire
Photocontrolled drug delivery system by liposomes
A research team led by Professor Yuki Suto of Okayama University has developed a precise method to release contents from pH sensitive liposomes using light.
Probiotic chips to support healthy intestinal flora
Go Natural's Probiotic High Protein Veggie Chips are a healthy snack that combines the benefits of plant-based protein, fiber, and probiotics.
Trend Hunter
New home cholesterol testing is being piloted in the northeast of the UK.
As part of the special trial study, thousands of people in the northeast will be able to check their cholesterol levels at home.
Chronicle Live
Home Rehabilitation with Lightweight Exoskeleton Technology
Hurotics is a company working on exoskeleton-type applications that are lightweight and adapt to the user's form.
Phospholipids reduce stress.
A new study led by Fontella, University of Auckland, and University of Otago revealed that stress is reduced by supplementing the diet with a wide range of phospholipids naturally contained in the milk fat globules (MFGM).
Dairy Foods
AI tool effectively detects pain from hospital staff conversation.
New research shows that AI tools have been effective in detecting pain from hospital employees' conversations with therapists in the early stages of the pandemic, suggesting the possibility of new technologies for screening depression and anxiety.
Lateral flow test for the detection of bacteria causing gingivitis and cardiovascular diseases.
Gingivitis, the early stage of periodontal disease, is caused by bacteria reaching the bloodstream and may lead to cardiovascular disease and other serious health conditions.
The skin behind the ears and between the toes is a place where unhealthy microbes are gathered.
Microbiome, i.e., the collection of microorganisms that live in and outside the human body, is known to be involved in human health, but the same is true for skin.
Drug delivery that identifies targets by sound
Two research teams at the California Institute of Technology have developed a completely new type of drug delivery system that delivers drugs activated by ultrasound only to the required locations in the body.
The relationship between heart rate and brain activity may open the way to antidepressant drugs.
New research linking heart beat and brain activity shows that the phase of the heart cycle affects neuroresponses, and may open the way to antidepressant drugs, researchers reported in the open access journal "PLoS Biology".
Chronic Pain Care Platform with Digital Therapy
Within a year of absorbing virtual reality-based digital therapy manufacturer OxfordVR, BehaVR is also expanding its business by a new merger.
Fierce Biotech
A new method for measuring the motion of soft robots
Researchers at USC have developed an innovative solution for measuring the movement of software components in robotics.
Tech Briefs